Snowy Monaro Writers
Snowy Monaro Writers is a collection of people who like words, some of these words are shared here.
Writing Topic : Change of State
Change of State
A physical change of state, the science says, can be reversed
The steam condensed, its atoms slowed
The ice melts, its molecules glowed
This lake of states around is rowed
Physicists relate, this path is consistent, well rehearsed
A national change of state, the politic says, should not be shunned, but
When armies mass and train to kill
Then glutton like defend our will
Can so quickly descend into a hell
And set from fate, a state where war is one
A mental change in state, the physic says, can be cathartic
A pain acknowledged releases grip
Emotions, brash, contain a pip
Where angst and adulation sit
Instate, waiting to resolve what’s at hearts pith
So I, I am a complex being
Of substance and of sin
With a body that does not return
To the state that it was in
My actions mark me with a hue
That others judge me by
For good for me may well preclude.
There’s those that wilt and die
From within my head my senses see
A senseless, so berate
My being as it tries to find
Some sense in change of state
The group meets at the Raglan Gallery, 9-11 Lambie Street, Cooma, from 5:30 - 7:30 every second Tuesday.
Next meetings:
Snowy Monaro Writers:
22nd of June
Dorothy Dickens 1st Thursday poetry readings:
1st of July
Come and hear some local poets, bring some of yours or someone elses to recite or just come and listen
Snowy Monaro Writers:
6th of July
20th of July